Non-Voice Analytics Dashboard
Release Note: Non-Voice Analytics Dashboard Overview The Non-Voice Analytics Dashboard offers a streamlined and intuitive interface designed to provide detailed insights into messaging performance. Users can monitor non-queue, all-queue, and dedicated queue messages, track service level agreements (SLAs), evaluate team performance, and export analytics data for further analysis. Key Features 1. Dashboard Navigation
Access: Log into the K-LINK dashboard, click on the "Analytics Dashboard" menu, and select the "Inbox" tab to access the Message Analytics Dashboard.
Date Filters:
Default date filter set to today.
Options to select a single date, a custom date range, or predefined ranges like "Today," "Last Week," and "Current Month."
Reset filters with one click.
2. Non-Queue Messages Section
Metrics Displayed:
Non-Queue SLA: Visualized with a gauge chart.
Conversation Activity: New and existing customer counts.
Message Status: Breakdown of total, closed, assigned, unassigned, and hold cases.
3. All Queue Messages Section
Metrics Displayed: Similar to the Non-Queue Messages section with an additional "View Details" button to access specific queue details.
4. Dedicated Queue Messages Section
Redirecting and Viewing Dedicated Queue Analytics Detail Page:
Access detailed analytics for dedicated queues by selecting a queue from the dashboard and clicking "View Details."
Filters Available:
Queue Filter: Default-selected as the clicked dedicated queue. Users can switch to other queues. Updates analytics based on selected filters.
Date Filter: Default-selected to today. Options for single date, date range, or predefined ranges like "Today," "Last Week," "Current Month," etc. Users can reset or confirm selections.
Channel Filter: Default-selected as "All Channels." Users can select specific channels, excluding Facebook Feed channel for this release.
Analytics Sections:
Queue SLA: Displays SLA % achieved using a gauge chart. Formula: (SLA meet room count / total room count) x 100.
Conversation Activity: Displays numbers of new and existing customers.
Message Status: Displays numbers of total, closed, assigned, unassigned, and hold cases.
Message Details Status:
Pie Chart: Dynamic updates based on filters. Displays case status with total counts, percentages, and category colors.
Agent Message Table: Includes columns for agents' open, hold, and closed cases, and average response/resolution times.
Export Options: Export analytics in CSV or XLSX format.
5. Average Data Insights
Graphical Representations:
AVG First Response Time: Tracks and compares response times.
AVG Resolution Time: Measures closure times.
Resolution Rate: Shows resolution efficiency.
Graphs dynamically adapt to selected date ranges or single-day views.
Export Options: Data exportable in CSV or XLSX formats with comprehensive table formats for offline analysis.
6. Member Check-In Status Table
Daily and Date Range Views:
Displays agent activity, live status, log-in/log-out times, and working hours.
Search functionality included.
Export Options: Exportable in CSV or XLSX formats with all visible data included.
7. Incoming Message Volume
Heatmap Representation:
Displays hourly message volumes with a gradient color scale.
Interactive tooltips for day and conversation counts.
8. Incoming Channel Analytics
Pie Chart Representation:
Displays case counts and percentages for connected channels.
Dynamically updates based on selected filters.
Export Options: Exportable in CSV or XLSX formats, including calculated percentages.
9. Case Tag and Dispositions Analytics
Table and Pie Chart Views:
Case Tags: Shows tag counts and percentages.
Dispositions: Displays disposition counts and percentages.
Interactive Features: Hover to view detailed tooltips.
Export Options: Comprehensive export in CSV or XLSX formats.
Queue Member Detail Page 1. Redirecting to Queue Member Detail Page
On the Dedicated Queue Detail Page, click on the "View Details" button of any queue member's row in the Queue Member Check-in Status Table.
The user is redirected to the Queue Member Detail Page for the selected member.
2. Viewing Queue Member Detail Page
Filters Available:
Queue Member Filter:
Default-filtered to the selected queue member's name.
Dropdown allows quick switching to other queue members, updating data dynamically.
Date Filter:
Default-selected to the past 7 days.
Options for specific date ranges, single dates, or quick selections like "Today," "Yesterday," "Last Week," etc.
"Reset All" clears previous selections.
3. Member Status Analytics Display
Pie Chart:
Displays message count and percentage for Closed Cases, Assigned Cases, and Hold Cases.
Center shows total case count.
Color-coded slices: Green (Closed), Blue (Assigned), Orange (Hold).
Updates dynamically based on date filters.
Member Status Bar Graph:
X-axis: Dates within the selected range.
Y-axis: Total logged-in hours, segmented by status transitions.
Hovering shows tooltips with status details and time spent.
4. Member Detail Status Table
Date, First Log In Time, Last Log Out Time, Total Login Hours, AVG First Response Time, AVG Resolution Time, Total Handled Time.
"-" displayed if no logout time is recorded.
Export Options:
Three-dot menu offers CSV or XLSX exports of analytics data based on filters.
User Benefits
Simplified monitoring of messaging performance across queues.
Visualized metrics for quicker decision-making.
Comprehensive data export options for offline analysis.
Dynamic filters for tailored data views.
How to Get Started
Log into the K-LINK dashboard.
Navigate to Analytics Dashboard .
Explore the new interface, filter options, and export features.
For additional support or feedback, please contact our support.
Last updated