Overview of LINE Official Account

Seamlessly integrate with LINE Official Account through, expanding your communication capabilities. Our platform enables a smooth and direct connection to LINE OA, allowing you to engage with your audience effortlessly. Enhance your customer interactions and leverage the power of LINE messaging to provide personalized and efficient support, all within the unified framework of

Follow below tutorials to connect with LINE OA

Get Channel Secret and Channel Access TokenConnect to LINE OA

FAQ about LINE OA Messaging API

Is LINE OA Message is Free ?

No. LINE OA Messaging API is free for only 500 Message. If you use more than 500 Message, you will need to upgrade to premium plan. Go to Setting and upgrade your LINE OA Plan

If Agent manually response chat from LINE OA, it will show / sync in platform

No, it won't show or sync with platform if Agent manually reply from LINE OA Manager. We recommend all agents reply through only platform

If Agent reply from platform, it will show / sync in LINE OA Manual Chat ?

Yes, all chat messages from will be sync back to LINE OA Manual Chat

If we don't disconnect LINE OA from platform, will chat histroy deleted in LINE OA Manual Chat ?

No, it won't delete and all chat history will sync in LINE OA Platform

Last updated