Connect to LINE OA

This tutorial will guide you how to connect your existing LINE OA

You will need following information to connect your existing LINE OA Channel. Follow below tutorial to get required information.

  • Channel Secret

  • Channel Access Token

Get Channel Secret and Channel Access Token

After you get Channel Secret & Channel Access Token, follow below steps to connect

Step 1 - Go to Settings > Message Integration > Available Channel > Install LINE

Enter Channel Secret and Channel Access Token below

Step 2 - Click Next

Step 3 - Enter your Channel Name

You can enter your LINE OA Account Name below and click Complete Setup

Step 4 - Go to LINE Developers Console > Enable Webhook

Go to > LINE Developers Console, Messaging API > Enable Webhook

Done -Compelete Setup

You will see your LINE OA Channel will be connected and you will be able to receive messages from your customers via LINE OA

Last updated