Enhancement of Hold Function
Release Notes β Enhancement of Hold Function: Free Up Agent Capacity When Case on Hold Overview: We are pleased to announce an enhancement to the chat room management system that provides agents with better control over their active cases while ensuring that held cases remain assigned to the same agent when resumed. This update improves the system's handling of chat rooms placed on hold, optimizing capacity management and queue behavior. Key Enhancements:
Exclusion of Hold Chat Rooms from Agent Capacity:
When a chat room is placed on hold, it will no longer count toward the agent's active case capacity. This allows agents to focus on their current workload without the additional burden of held cases.
Retention of Agent Assignment for Resumed Cases:
Upon resuming a chat room that was previously placed on hold, the system will automatically reassign the case to the same agent who was originally handling it, even if the agent's current assigned cases exceed their capacity limit.
Compatibility with Queue Settings:
The system will bypass the configured case capacity checks when a held chat room is resumed. This ensures that the resumed case is assigned to the original agent, regardless of the agentβs current queue capacity.
Agents will now experience a more streamlined process for managing active cases.
The risk of overloading agents with excessive cases is reduced.
Agents can maintain continuity with their cases, ensuring a smooth experience for both the agent and the customer.
Implementation Details:
This enhancement applies to all chat rooms placed on hold and resumed thereafter, ensuring a consistent process for case assignment and capacity management.
Instructions: No user action is required for this feature to take effect. The system will automatically handle the exclusion of hold cases from the agentβs capacity and the reassignment of resumed cases to the correct agent. For more details or support, please reach out to your system administrator. Thank you for your continued feedback and support in improving our platform!7:27Release Note: Define Customized Status for Auto-Resume Cases and Display Label in Inbox Module Release Date: January 22, 2025 New Feature Overview: This release introduces the ability to customize and display an auto-resume label for chat rooms that are automatically resumed due to incoming customer messages. This feature enhances agent recognition of auto-resumed cases and improves workflow efficiency. Key Features:
Customized Auto-Resume Label Setting:
A new function, "Auto Show Resume Label", has been added to the Hold Label Settings.
This feature is initially disabled by default and can be enabled via a toggle button.
Enabling the Customized Auto-Resume Label:
Once the toggle is enabled, agents can customize the auto-resume label by clicking on the pencil button.
A text input field is provided to input the desired label.
Action buttons include Cancel (to close the input field) and Save (activated after entering the label).
A quick tutorial video is available to guide agents on how the label will appear in the Inbox module.
Confirmation Messages:
A confirmation message will be displayed when the auto-resume label is successfully enabled or updated.
Displaying the Customized Label in Chat Room Listing:
If the Auto Resume and Customized Auto Resume Label settings are enabled, the customized label will be displayed in the chat room listing for auto-resumed cases.
Agents can hover over the label to view the full label name.
Viewing the Customized Label in Chat Room Details:
In the Chat Room Details view, the customized auto-resume label will be displayed next to the Case ID for easier identification by agents.
Restrictions on Auto-Resume Label Behavior:
The customized auto-resume label will be removed from the chat room listing and details if any of the following occur:
The agent places the chat room on hold again.
The case is manually resumed by the agent.
The case is closed.
Impact and Benefits:
Improved Workflow: Agents will easily identify chat rooms that were auto-resumed due to a customer message, enabling faster responses.
Customization: The ability to define a specific label for auto-resumed cases ensures better communication and organization within the platform.
Thank you for your continued feedback and support in improving our platform!
Last updated