Enable/Disable Auto-Assign Toggle in Queue Settings
Release Notes Feature: Enable/Disable Auto-Assign Toggle in Queue Settings Overview We are excited to introduce the "Enable/Disable Auto-Assign" toggle in the Queue Settings. This feature allows administrators to control whether chat rooms are automatically assigned to queue agents or require manual assignment. Key Enhancements:
A new "Enable/Disable Auto-Assign" toggle has been added to the queue creation and update pages.
When Auto-Assign is enabled, the "Distribution Strategy" section becomes visible, allowing admins to select a preferred strategy for automatic assignment.
When Auto-Assign is disabled, the "Distribution Strategy" section is hidden, but the queue remains configurable and savable.
Queue settings are seamlessly integrated with workflow automation for improved routing capabilities.
The Inbox module will now display queue chat rooms, allowing agents to manually take assignments when Auto-Assign is disabled.
Feature Details:
Navigate to Queue Settings
Users can now create a new queue or update an existing queue from the settings module.
View and Interact with the Auto-Assign Toggle
The toggle is available by default and set to "Enabled."
Behavior When Auto-Assign is Enabled
The "Distribution Strategy" section appears, allowing selection of assignment strategies.
Behavior When Auto-Assign is Disabled
The "Distribution Strategy" section is hidden, and manual assignment is required.
Saving Queue Settings
Users can save queue settings successfully with confirmation messages:
"Created the queue"
"Updated the queue"
Queue Setting & Workflow Automation Integration
If Auto-Assign is disabled, workflow automation must be configured to route chat rooms correctly.
Inbox Module & Manual Assignments
Incoming chat rooms will appear in the Inbox module when routed to a queue.
The system will not auto-assign chats; assignment must be done manually by queue managers or agents with permissions.
User Roles & Permissions:
Queue Managers: Can manage and assign chat rooms to queue agents or themselves.
Queue Agents: Can manually assign chat rooms to themselves.
Impact & Benefits:
Provides greater flexibility in managing chat assignments.
Enhances workflow automation and manual assignment options.
Improves visibility and control over queue-based chat handling.
For further details or assistance, please refer to the updated documentation or contact support. Thank you for using our platf
Last updated