⏱️Features Road Map

Below features are we are currently working on it. If you have any features ideas, please let us know.

Upcoming Features Road Map

FeaturesRelease Date

Email Channel (Beta) -Google Workspace, Microsoft 365 or other SMTP/IMAP Email Accounts can connect to klink.cloud platform


Snippet (Quick Reply Template) -Agent can create quick reply template and able to reply chat faster than ever before by using snippet features


Auto Assign -All incoming chats will automatically assign & route to available agents


Auto Close -if customer didn't reply to chat for specific time, the conversation will automatically closed and save as auto resolved


SLA Setting -Admin can setup SLA Configuration based on First Response Time, Resolution Time etc


Business Hour Setting -Admin can setup Business Hour Configuration


Facebook Comments -Agents can reply Facebook Comments

Q3 2024

Instagram Comments -Agents can reply Instagram Comments

Q3 2024

Localization (Thai) -we will add all menus, settings in Thai Language

Q3 2024

WhatsApp for Business API

Q3 2024

Outbound Broadcast Campaigns -Send Bulk Outbound Message to customer preferred channels at scale

Q4 2024

TikTok Shop Channel -Agents can reply TikTok Shop Message

Q4 2024

Telegram Channel -Agents can reply via Telegram Messaging Channel

Q4 2024

Thai Call Transcript -Auto summarize Call Transcript from Call Recording Data with AI

Q4 2024

Thai Chat Transcript -Auto summarize Chat Transcript from Call Recording Data with AI

Q4 2024

if you have features suggestion or ideas, please send us email at support@klink.cloud

Want to try our upcoming features, just let us know. We will add give you early access

Last updated