2-Oct-2024 Release Notes

Release Note: Facebook Feed Enhancement We are excited to announce a series of new features that enhance the management of Facebook comments within the dashboard. These updates aim to improve efficiency, communication accuracy, and overall user experience for agents. Below is a summary of the key enhancements:

1. Edit/Delete Comment - Agent

  • Edit Comments:

  • Agents can now modify their own Facebook comments directly from the dashboard, with real-time updates reflected in the chat room and on Facebook. Edited comments will display an "Edited" label, and an activity log will maintain a history of all edits.

  • Delete Comments:

  • Agents have the option to delete their comments with a confirmation step to prevent accidental deletions. Once confirmed, the comment is removed from both the chat room and Facebook, marked with a "Deleted" label.

2. Edit/Delete Comment - Customer

  • Edit Tracking:

  • Comments edited by customers will show an "Edited" label, with an activity log detailing the date and time of the edit.

  • Delete Management:

  • Deleted comments will display a "Deleted" label, disabling interactions such as typing or reacting, along with a clear message indicating the comment's deletion.

  • Closed Chat Room Handling:

  • Edits or deletions made after a chat room is closed will not trigger notifications, but the activity log will be accessible upon re-entering the closed chat room.

3. Delete Post Flow

  • Deleted Post UI:

  • A "This post has been deleted" skeleton UI and a "Deleted post" label will be shown in the chat room for clear context.

  • Quick Close Functionality:

  • Agents can quickly close chat rooms associated with deleted posts using a "Quick Close" button, with options for discomposition.

  • Interaction Restrictions:

  • Typing and reaction options will be disabled for comments on deleted posts to prevent further interactions.

  • Case Log Documentation:

  • Agents can document their inputs in a case log before finalizing the closure of the chat room.

  • Wrap-up Prompt:

  • Upon closing the chat room, agents will be prompted to complete a wrap-up form to capture all necessary information.

4. Private Reply Functionality

  • Agents can now send both public comments and private messages simultaneously. This feature includes automatic generation of CX logs for private interactions, enhancing the efficiency of managing customer interactions directly from the K-LINK dashboard.

5. Reaction to Customer Comments

  • Reaction Button in Comment Drawer:

  • When an agent is in the reply drawer view and assigned the comment room, they will see a "Reaction button" below the related comment UI.

  • Apply Reaction to Customer Comment:

  • Upon clicking the "Heart" reaction button, if the reaction is applied successfully, the heart icon will change to red. An activity log will display the following format (e.g., Anna liked on 03 October 2024, 03:29 PM). The customer will also be able to see that their comment has been liked on the Facebook post.

These features are designed to streamline comment management and enhance communication between agents and customers. If you have any questions or feedback about these updates, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Last updated